Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Week 2: Wed.

Just a short post to say I really liked the workout today. I find myself enjoying the interval training, which I never expected I would.

I thought about taking a rest day, but a combination of wanting to get in another workout before the heat hit and some extra anxiety I needed to run off convinced me otherwise.

Ran at the university track again--more people there than I've seen previously, probably everyone taking advantage of the last day of tolerable weather.

10 minutes slow running: v. nice, v. slow.

3 minutes stretching: ditto

5x (5 min. medium running/ 2 min. recovery walk): I enjoyed this! And I felt like a I could get a better, faster rhythm going with my feet thanks to the striding intervals in the other workouts.

Wore my Vibram five-fingers and that felt good on the spongy material of the track--so it is the pavement bugging the old bruise, I think, not the motion of running itself.

In my ongoing search for a decent running/pedometer app., I dl'd "runkeeper" onto my phone, turned it on and left it on for everything but the stretching because I was curious about how many miles I would actually run (4.4, as it turned out). I nearly jumped out of my skin when a voice announced my mileage and speed after five minutes, but otherwise I liked it. I was heartened that my average pace (averaging the running and walking, that is) was ~11 minutes/mile--better than the miserable 1k test.

1 comment:

  1. Charlotte!!
    WAY TO GO!!!
    Very very inspiring. Running is an excellent tonic for the soul.
    glad you are finding your pace & great places to run.
